Private Lessons


We make it easy to find the perfect teacher.
Take our matching quiz.

It gives us all the information we need
to match you with the best teacher ever!


 How It Works



Get Started

  1. Take our Matching Quiz

    Click “Find My Teacher” and take our Matching Quiz.
    It gives us all the information we need to find the perfect teacher for you.
    At the end of the quiz, make an appointment for your Matching Consultation.

  2. Matching Consultation

    We’re no tech company. A human will guide you through the process.
    One of our Matching Directors will call you to review your info and give you some options.

  3. Lesson Agreement

    Once we’ve found the perfect teacher for you, and we’ve agreed to lesson details (length, price, location), we’ll email you an electronic Lesson Agreement connecting you with your teacher.

  4. Schedule Your Lesson

    As soon as you complete it, your teacher will contact you directly to schedule your first lesson.



Schedule & Pay

  1. Schedule

    Schedule your lesson with your teacher via text or phone call.

    Calendar, for your convenience.
    Your teacher will enter your lesson appointment in our fancy scheduling system.
    You’ll receive a text & email confirming your lesson.
    You can even add it to your iCloud, Google, or Outlook Calendars.

  2. Take Your Lesson

    Once you’ve had your lesson, your teacher will mark it “completed.”
    You’re all set.

  3. Pay

    It’s 2024. You don’t worry about paying for Netflix or Uber, and you won’t have to worry about paying for lessons. Payments are automatically debited from your bank account or charged to your credit card within 2 days after your lesson. No hassle, no late fees, no worries.